
Flexible and fair pricing

  • GT4T comes with a fully-featured free trial out-of-the-box. After trial expires, you can still use the free features or make a purchase to continue with the full version. GT4T offers very flexible plans. For different automatic translation data plans, you can either pay char-based (with no time limit) or time-based (with no char limit).
  • The 'no usage limit' policy of time-based plans only applies to using GT4T super add-on (the GT4T keyboard shortcuts). And you still have a 100k char monthly limit for File Translator.
  • Chars are prepaid credits to be consumed while you use GT4T to translate. Chars do not expire. You pay only when you use GT4T. Once an automatic translation returns results, chars are deducted.


  • Char count is based on the number of characters of the source text, including spaces or punctuation marks. "I love you." is 11 characters.
  • Char count is also per automatic translation engines or industries. Automatic translation providers charge us differently. We want to be fair and reflect that difference too in our pricing. The actual char count is Number of characters * Tier Factor.
  • Most Tier Factors are smaller than 1. In this case, fewer chars are deducted than the character count. As an example, with the Pro 1 plans, Microsoft Translator's tier factor is 0.38. Translating "I love you." using Microsoft Translator will consume 11 * 0.38 = 4.18 chars.
  • When a tier factor is bigger than 1, you will get a confirmation notice.

Which to buy, char-based or time-based?

  • If you buy for your company and want to activate more than one computer, buy a char-based plan.
  • If you mostly use the File Translator, buy a char-based plan.
  • If you use GT4T sparsely now and then, buy a char-based plan.
  • If you are a professional translator and use GT4T's keyboard shortcuts a lot, buy a time-based plan.

How to buy

  • After installing and running GT4T, go to the bottom right corner of the screen (top right corner on MacOS). Left click on it for a menu and then click "Buy".
  • GT4T is automatically activated after purchase.


How to make a purchase in-app

  • When GT4T is installed and running, go to bottom right corner (top right on MacOS) of your screen. Left mouse click for a menu and then click "Buy Pro."
  • Is it safe? Yes. Technically and legally speaking, you are buying from
  • Your GT4T will be automatically activated upon purchase.